The Blue Anges, Navy jet pilots, zoom into the
screen in "Cinerama Holiday," opening May 23 at the
Villa Theater. The three-eyed camera is encased in the nose of
a jet for this scene.
Deseret News, 18 May 1962
New Cinerama Opens At Villa On May 23
Deseret News, 18 May 1962, page B3
"Cinerama Holiday," the newest film in the unusual three-camera
process, will open at 8:30 p.m. May 23.
the same day - at a 2 p.m. matinee, which is being presented especially
for students - "Seven Wonders of the World" will wind up its
run at the Villa.
"Seven Wonders of the World" will have seven performances between
now and its closing, and then will disappear from Mountain West theaters
for years, according to Ted Kirkmeyer, manager of the Villa.
Final showings will be at 8:30 tonight, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday and at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday.
The "Cinerama Holiday" opening presentation Wednesday will
be on behalf of the Utah Chapter of the United Nations. Tickets at special
premiere prices are available through members of their special committee.
The United Nations group is sponsering the premiere of "Cinerama
Holiday" because of the subject matter. The film relates the story
of travel adventures of a young couple from the U.S. and a young couple
from Europe.