
Sailing ship cadets encounter adventure
and scenic delights at ports of call, including these
two lovelies
in Curacao, in the Cinemiracle film "Windjammer," coming
to Villa.
18 August 1960, Salt Lake Tribune, page A15 |
Villa Film Premiere to Aid Chili Victims
18 August 1960, Salt Lake Tribune, page A15
Adventure lovers who attend the premiere of "Windjammer," Sept.
1 at the Villa Theatre, not only will be enjoying themselves,
but also will be helping underprivileged persons in Chili.
Sponsored by CARE
The grand premiere of the motion picture made of the 17,500-mile
voyage of the Norwegian School Ship Christian Radich, is
being sponsored by the CARE Committee of Utah, according
to Maurice Warshaw, chairman of the group.
"By the time the motion picture opens, medical mobile
units already will be operating in Chili," Mr. Warshaw
said, "and every help we can give them and other projects
in the South American area will be appreciated."
Mr. Warshaw, who recently made a trip to South America to
inspect the CARE and U.S. government reconstruction and rehabilitation
work being carried forward there, was lavish in his praise
of the enormous amount of work being done at such a low
"But we need more money and more equipment to carry
forward this great work," he emphasized, urging full
attendance at the premiere.
Premiere Tickets $5
Tickets for the premiere will be $5 each and may be obtained
from members of CARE committee and from the theater.
Members of the committee, in addition to Mr. Warshaw, are
Frederick R. Hinckley, Donald P. Lloyd and Richmond T. Harris.
"Windjammer," a film that took two years to make,
is the story of the Christian Radich's voyage from Oslo,
Norway, to South America by the 1492 route of Columbus, thence
northward to New York and then home to Norway by the Viking
route of Lief Ericsson.
New Film Process
It was produced by Louis de Rochemont by a new process,
Cinemiracle, which uses a three-headed camera, and gives
viewers the sensation of being in the scenes themselves.
While the background of "Windjammer" is the sea
and life among the cadets aboard the three-masted square-rigger,
much of the film deals with the interesting and colorful
ports of call visited by the Christian Radich on its historic