PREMIERE SOLD OUT! - Patricia Owens
Hollywood actress, pastes "Sold Out" sign over poster
for benefil premiere of "South Pacific" Thursday.
Deseret News, 31 July 1958, B1
Villa Sells Out For Benefit Premiere Of 'South Pacific'
By Eleanor Knowles
Deseret News Staff Writer
Deseret News, 31 July 1958, B1
The Villa Theater is completely sold out for Thursday evening's benefit
premiere of "South Pacific."
The "standing room only" sign was hung out early Wednesday
after a last minute surge of requests for tickets. Curtain time is 8:30
p.m. for the show, which is being sponsored by the Deseret News for the
benefit of the Salt Lake County Assn. for Retarded Children.
At a brief program prior to the start of the Rodgers and Hammerstein
musical, Hollywood star Patricia Owens will be introduced. Among special
guests at the event will be Sidney Newman, advertising director of Magna
Theater Corp., which owns the "South Pacific" film.
Orchids from Kauai, Hawaii, where "South Pacific" was filmed,
will be presented to ladies in the audience. The orchids were flown to
Salt Lake City via Western Airlines Thursday.
Entertaining in the lobby prior to curtain time will be a group of Hawaiian
Premiere-goers will be the first in the Mountain West to view Rodgers
and Hammerstein's "South Pacific" in TODD-AO, revolutionary
wide-screen process that give startling depth and realism to the island
scenes. The Villa Theater has just completed installation of $25,000 in
new equipment to make the showing possible.
The Salt Lake County Assn. for Retarded Children will be recipient of
all money donated for the special showing. The film was made available
for the benefit by Magna Theater Crop., which is being represented at
the premiere by Mr. Newman. Fox Wasatch Theaters donated use of the theater.
A check will be presented to Mrs. E. H. Dorland, president of the association,
as soon as all contributions have been tabulated. The money will be used
to help the association establish a sheltered workshop at the University
of Utah for handicapped children and also to expand facilities at the
Fairmont Park Training School.
Miss Owens visited the school shortly after her arrival in Salt Lake
City. Wednesday afternoon and paid tribute to the work that is being done
She also appeared on radio and television stations in the area and was
guest at luncheon and inner events Born in Canada and reared in England,
she commented that the visit to Salt Lake City is her first real chance
to see anything of America.