South Pacific Photos

"Joe Fisher, left, and Walter O. Peterson
of the Sugar House Lions Club sells tickets for 'South Pacific'benefit
premiere to pert Jeviene Jacobson."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 30 July 1958, page B1

"Patricia Owens Hollywood actress, pastes
"Sold Out" sign over poster for benefil premiere of
'South Pacific'Thursday."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 31 July 1958, B1

While the Villa was closed for the installation
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

While the Villa was closed for the installation
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

"Capacity crowds mill before the Villa Theater
Thursday evening during the Mountain West premiere of the spectacular
'South Pacific'film."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 1 August 1958, page B1

"Richard Elggren, left; Mrs.
William H. Elggren, Mr. Elggren and Miss Connie Elggren made an
attractive family foursome as they arrived at the Villa Theater
Thursday night for the gala benefit premiere of 'South Pacific.'"
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 1 August 1958, page A13

Back wall of the auditorium in 1958. This
photos shows the original placement of the surround speakers. The
speaker in the corner was later moved beneath the one next to
the projection windows. Missing from this view is the
Cinerama projection booth, which was added in 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

The south wall of the auditorium. This
photo shows that the light fixtures on the side walls were removed
by 1958. It also shows two surround speakers which
were later moved, one above the bridge and another above the fisherman.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

"Lovely Patricia Owens, in Utah's capital
city for gala benefit premiere of 'South Pacific,'receives an
orchid from Florence Kamauoha."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 1 August 1958, page B1

"Receiving an orchid at the 'South Pacific'premiere
Thursday evening is Mrs. George D. Clyde, watched by Gov. Clyde.
Early arrivers received orchids."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 1 August 1958, page B1

"South Pacific atmosphere was added to showing
by South Seas dancers."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 1 August 1958, page B1

Mrs. E. H. Dorland expresses appreciation to Deseret
News for benefit showing.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 1 August 1958, page B1