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Behind the screen on the left side.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 18 February 2003

A view of the area behind the screen on the left side, after the screen was removed.  On the right is the original auditorium exit and on the left is the new exit hall that was added to connect the back hallway with the edge of the screen curtains.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 21 February 2003

Photo of the backside of the screen.

The back side of the screen in 2002.  The new exit hall is in the lower right corner.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 15 May 2002

A section of the mural, visible through the frame of the screen after the screen was removed..
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 21 February 2003

Photo of the mural above the new exit hall.

The figure of the woman gathering crabs is right above the new exit hall.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 15 May 2002

Photo of the mural.

A section of the mural with the original red background color.  The original exit doorway is in the lower right.  The curtain on the left probably masked the edge of the Cinemiracle screen which was used from September 1960 to July 1961.On the left is the curtain that probably masked the edge of the Cinemiracle screen.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 15 May 2002

Part of the curtains on the left side of the stage.  You can see here how the original white ceiling was painted blue, probaby when Cinemiracle was install in 1960.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 20 July 2002

Photo of the back side of the new exit hall.

The back side of the new exit hall, in 2002, while the theater was still open.  The area was used for storage.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 15 May 2002

The back side of the new exit hall after Carmike cleaned out the theater.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 21 February 2003

Photo of an old slide projector.

An old slide projector.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 15 May 2002

Photo of an old slide projector.

An old slide projector.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 15 May 2002

The original auditorium exit on the left of the stage.  The wall on the left was added in 2002 after a fire inspection.  The doorway on the right was probably added when Cinemiracle was installed in 1960.  Stairs up to the doorway may have been removed when Cinerama was installed in 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 21 February 2003

The tassel on the left side of the stage curtains.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 21 February 2003