Historical Photos

Installation of the seats, 17 November
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

The stage and the mural, 9 December
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

The Villa on 9 December 1949.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

The Villa on 9 December 1949.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society,
all rights reserved.

Construction of the marquee signs,
17 November 1949.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

Installation of the island marquee.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Crowds leaving the preview of MGM's
"Battlefield," 20 December 1949.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society,
all rights reserved.

Can-Can in TODD-AO, about June 1960
or March 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Tabernacle Chior performance at the
premiere of This is Cinerama.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Theater officials place a Sold Out
sign on the poster for Windjammer
at the Uptown theater. The Uptown sold tickets for the Villa.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Premiere of South Pacific.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Installation of TODD-AO.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

This is Cinerama, 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Close-up of the original herculite
doors and ticket booth.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Here we see the stage and part of
the mural, both hidden now behind the huge Cinerama Screen.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake Tribune, 20 December 1949

Joseph L. Lawrence and D. K. Edwards,
original owners of the Villa, view the drapes from the stage.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake Tribune, 20 December 1949

Part of the newspaper ad from the
day before the Villa opened.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 22 December 1949, A10

A drawing of the Villa, bearing the
name "Highland Theater", that appeared in the newspaper
before the theater was built.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Lake Tribune, 22 August 1948

Another view of the auditorium as
it appeared in 1949.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 18 December 1949, 6C

The mural on the south wall of the
auditorium. There is similar mural is on the north wall.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 18 December 1949, 6C

Audience at the invitation preview
showing of Battlefield, before the theater opened to the
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 21 December 1949, A8

Owners Joseph L. Lawrence and David
K. Edwards stand by a planter box in the lobby of the Villa Theatre
in 1949. The planter box was later removed and a wall was
built separating the main lobby from the lower lobby.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City,
Photo from the Deseret News, 21
December 1949, A8 |

Gov. George D. Clyde and Harold B.
Lee at the Premiere of This Is Cinerama. Behind
them may be the mural that stood in the lobby.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 22 July 1961, page B1

The original owners of the Villa
Theater examine one of the original light fixtures on the north
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 18 December 1949, 6C

Crowds at the benefit
premiere of This is Cinerama in 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret News, 22 July 1961, B1