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The stage of the former theater is open now into the auditorium and decorated with hanging rugs.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 5 January 2006

Stage and front of auditorium, Adib's Rug Gallery at the former Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

A stack of rugs in front of the stage.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Stairs from auditorium to stage, Adib's Rug Gallery at the former Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

A stairway in the middle of the stage provides access to the auditorium.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Rug in center alcove on stage, Adib's Rug Gallery at the former Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

A large rug fills the center alcove on the stage.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

South end of the stage, Adib's Rug Gallery at the former Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

The left side of the stage.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Stairway on south end of stage, Adib's Rug Gallery at the former Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

Stairs lead up to the area above the south hall.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Air intakes in the hall to stage, Adib's Rug Gallery at the former Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

Air intakes have been added in the hall from the auditorium to the stage.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006