Historic Photos of the Auditorium

Installation of the seats, 17 November
1949. The round "mushrooms" on the floor
are air intakes for the ventilation system.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

The stage and the mural, 9 December
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

Mayor Earl J. Glade (on the stage)
commends builders of Villa Theater at preview opening 19 December
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 21 December 1949, A8

The stage and part of the mural,
now hidden behind the Cinerama screen.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake Tribune, 20 December 1949.

Joseph L. Lawrence and David K.
Edwards, the original owners of the Villa Theater, look at one
of the huge and attractive wall lighting decorations put in by
Artistic Lighting.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 18 December 1949, page 6C

Joseph L. Lawrence and David K.
Edwards, the original owners of the Villa, looking at the draperies
on the stage.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake Tribune, 20 December 1949

"This shows the large mural
on one wall of the Villa Theater. A similar mural appears
on the other wall. Both dominate the decorative scheme of
the main auditorium."
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
News, 18 December 1949, 6C

Taken from the top of the loge
section, this picture by L. V. McNeeley, Deseret News staff photographer,
shows main auditorium of the Villa Theater. Note lavish curtains
over screen.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City,
News, 18 December 1949, page 6C

The auditorium after the installation of Cinemiracle
in September 1960.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Annette Nielsen

The Cinemiracle screen, used from September 1960
to July 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Annette Nielsen |

The Mormon Tabernacle Chior, singing
at the premiere of This is Cinerama in 1961. Note the
original carpeting in the aisles.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

and temporary lights were still in place on 17 November 1949, a
little over a month before the Villa opened.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical
Society, all rights reserved.

The south mural, probably at the premiere of South
Pacific in July 1958.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Back wall of the auditorium in 1958. This
photos shows the original placement of the surround speakers. The
speaker in the corner was later moved beneath the one next to
the projection windows. Missing from this view is the
Cinerama projection booth, which was added in 1961.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

The south wall of the auditorium. This
photo shows that the light fixtures on the side walls were removed
by 1958. It also shows two surround speakers which
were later moved, one above the bridge and another above the fisherman.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo courtesy of Paul Schultz

Part of the mural on the south
wall, just by the stage exit, 9 December 1949.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society,
all rights reserved.