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Auditorium Center

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The stadium seating section in the rear of the auditorium has been terraced.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 5 January 2006

Stairs from the auditorium to projection booth, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

Stairs connect the auditorium with the former projection booth, which is now used as an office.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Platforms on the north side of the stadium seating section, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

The sides of the stadium seating section have been split into four platforms.  The hall to the lobby is in the lower left corner of the photo.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Large platform with the back corner of the auditorium in the background, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

The largest platform, in the middle of the center section, holds a large rug with a couch and table.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Large platform with the stage in the background, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

A view of the large platform with the stage in the background.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Small platform in the stadium seating section, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

One of the smaller platforms features a glass table with four chairs, over a circular rug.  The south hall to the lobby is in the upper right.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

Long platform in the north seating section, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

One of the longer platforms north side.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

A view of the stage from the back left corner of the auditorium, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

A view of the stage from the back of the auditorium.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006

The center cross aisle of the auditorium, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah

A collection of rolled up rugs along the cross aisle of the auditorium.
Adib's Rug Gallery, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 6 January 2006