
The auditorium from the back left
corner, with the curtains open for a widescreen film.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 13 February 2003 |

Looking across the stadium seating
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 13 February 2003 |

Looking down from the stadium seating section at
the mural on the south wall.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 13 February 2003

Looking across the stadium seating section.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 13 February 2003

The back middle seating section
and the windows of the projection boothes.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 24 January 2003 |

The right aisle of the auditorium,
leading down to the screen.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 13 February 2003

The Cinerama projection window in
the back left corner of the auditorium.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 27 January 2003 |

Speakers in the ceiling for a
microphone system which may have been installed in 1960.
Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo by Grant Smith, 13 February 2003 |